Wednesday, March 18, 2009


In my opinion I think that the school should do certain
things to make it better. For example, I think that the school should have recess, that kids should go outside in advisory and make it funner. Also they should take some time out of reading class. They should also have better food. I think that a lot of kids would really like that.

The school should also have recess so the kids could go
outside and play or just chill with there friends. They should do that so kids could play and get relaxed. Inside the school all kids do is work, but if we have recess outside then kids could do whatever they want and that might help them relax. I think that we should do that because a lot of kids get bored just being inside the school, sometimes they might feel like prisoners. They should take off some reading time and add it to recess.

Kids get bored just being in one class for almost two hours.
I think what the principal should do is take some time out and add it to some other classes. Or if not we should do something really fun. They could add extra time so we could be in lunch for more time, because some kids don't even have enough time to eat.

The school should have better food. They should give us better
food, and maybe that way kids will buy some food. Kids will like it better because in a lot of schools they don't give good food, they be giving some nasty food. I think that they should add more time to lunch, because a lot of kids don't even eat. If that ever happens kids would like it more.

Those are my 3 main reasons of what I think the school should do to make it a lot better. First, reason was that they should give us recess outside. Also they should make the reading classes shorter. And also that the school should give us better food. I think if we do those main things then the school will be better, kids would like it better.

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