There is many problems out in the streets and the main one is gang banging, and what we could do is put a stop to it. We could stop it by putting more polices out in the street. Also something else we could do is that when they are trying to move in like in the neighborhood just don’t let them because there going to cause problems. And well just try to avoid them. Those are my 3 solutions to this problem.
The gang bangers be coming out more, and I think that the police should be coming out more. They should know where they be chilling more and check them, but if they were doing something bad just lock them up. Or they could just be out so that way nothing will happen. Or if something did happened then they will know who did it and what really happened. You shouldn't’t really let them gang bangers live in your block.
When they are trying to move in, lets just say in your block you should really let them live there. If you keep on telling them they cant live there then that way nothing bad would really happen. If you let them in then more are going to start coming and coming. So its better not to let them in. Just don’t talk to them at all.
The better thing to do is to avoid them. Don’t talk to them or be friends with them. If you talk to them or be friends with them then something bad might happen to you. There is a lot of kills in the street because of gang banging, some don’t even bang they are just cool with some of them and chill with them, but things like this always happen. If they try to talk to you just ignore them.
People die or get hurt because of gang banging and I think there should be a stop to this. The law should be out more so nothing bad wont happen. If they are trying to move in the neighborhood don’t let them, so that way there wont be a lot of them around your children. And the best thing to do is just avoid them if they are trying to talk to you or something so that way you would be safe. Those are my mane 3 solutions.
jaxc Tidak ada entri. Mulai nge-blog!
10 years ago
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